Planning sustainably with the Sustainable Event Scorecard
Berlin Congress Fund – Extended funding
The extended funding incentivises and rewards events which are fit for the future, i.e. planned and held in a sustainable manner.
The Sustainable Event Scorecard provides the basis for evaluating an event’s sustainability. This is more than a model to evaluate sustainable events. It also offers planners useful tips on the measures to adopt to make their events more sustainable.
Sustainable Event Scorecard Content
13 areas of action
47 measures
930 points achievable in total
At least 300 points required for supplementary sustainability funding
The Sustainable Event Scorecard addresses all the areas of action in event management, from arrival to communication. Concrete measures and KPIs are defined for each of the areas of action. With points assigned to each measure, sustainable events can be transparently evaluated and compared.
To apply for supplementary funding for sustainability, events must achieve at least 300 points. To fuel a continuous process of improvement and integrate sustainable event planning over the long term, the conceptual design and implementation of visions, strategies and concrete goals are given more weight more than individual measures.
FAQ // Sustainable Event Scorecard
How is the Sustainable Event Scorecard structured?
The Scorecard is divided into areas of action, each with a different set of associated measures. Each measure or programme is individually defined, the method of documentation described, and the number of possible points listed. The measures or programmes with a greater impact on sustainable events are awarded a higher number of points.
The advice section provides useful tips as well as explanations of the particular measures.
What are the Sustainable Event Scorecard’s areas of action?
The areas of action are aligned with the various areas of event planning. In each of these areas or fields, events can be aligned more with sustainable goals through strategic planning or individual measures. The first General area of action addresses the strategic realisation of sustainable approaches, in particular by applying overarching concepts.
1. General
2. Transport
3. Event location
4. Accommodation
5. Catering
6. Features
7. Technical equipment
8. Personnel
9. Procurement
10. Event programme
11. Communication
12. Sustainable Development Goals
13. Sustainable Partner
What is the basis for the Sustainable Event Scorecard?
The Scorecard has been designed on the basis of established guidelines and standards, including The Guidelines for the Sustainable Organisation of Events by the German Environment Agency (UB), the ISO 21021 standards, and specialist literature such as Riediger/Oblasser or the GIZ guide to Sustainable Event Management.
You can find tips, partners, and other information on sustainable event planning on our “Sustainable Meetings Berlin” website.
For individual questions or advice on making your next event more sustainable, contact us by email at
Your contact for sustainable event planning in Berlin