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interfilm – International Short Film Festival Berlin

  • Highlights
Please hurry, please now: short formats have become an integral part of social media platforms, whether on X, Instagram or TikTok, it's not getting any shorter. The algorithm makes the preselection, dictates our viewing habits and, thanks to constant availability, we watch a lot but rarely really look. What significance does a short film festival still have? The interfilm says: curation!

Cinema can, may and wants to provide space for new perspectives and thus make the most diverse realities tangible.

This transformative achievement allows us to see the world through different eyes within seconds.

  • short films with a strong message
  • pure enjoyment of film, entertainment and cinema as a social space
  • In other words, short film as a discursive space whose boundaries must remain fluid and which must be kept open to all.

With usually over 300 short films from all over the world in more than 50 programmes, talks, workshops and events, INTERFILM promises a week dedicated to the short format in its 40th edition.

Founded in 1981, interfilm has developed into one of the oldest and largest short film festivals in Germany. The repertoire ranges from the avant-garde Super 8 films of the early days to the diverse and international programme of today's festival editions. On the one hand, the festival focuses on current topics and retrospectives. Whether newcomers or time-honoured veterans, all are represented.

This is accompanied by a supporting programme of international and national competitions, country and thematic focuses, special programmes, panels and workshops.

KUKI, the international children's and youth short film festival, has been held as an independent sub-festival since 2008 and also offers a cinematic programme for the next generation.
verschiedene Veranstaltungsorte Berlin

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