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Classical music: orchestra for all?

  • Congresses
The German Orchestra Day (DOT for short) is considered the industry meeting place in Germany and the entire D-A-CH region. The conference for orchestras, management and the music industry attracts around 200 participants from culture, business, politics and administration every year.

Future festival: concentrated work. concerted action

Under this motto, the thematic focus this year is on teamwork within theaters and orchestras, on appreciation and togetherness as well as with external stakeholders from politics, administration and the public - although there will be occasional thematic "outliers" in the direction of the cross-cutting and long-term themes of digitality, diversity and sustainability.

The non-profit GmbH works in terms of content and organization with the idea of "from the faculty, for the faculty".


  • 17 May

    08:00 o'clock

  • 19 May

    08:00 o'clock

Hotel Aquino - Tagungszentrum Katholische Akademie, Hannoversche Straße 5B, 10115 Berlin

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