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Teddy Tour Berlin - The first travel-agency for cuddly toys!


TEDDY TOUR BERLIN, the first travel-agency for cuddly toys!

Do you possess a cuddly toy that desperately needs relaxation? Than this is your right spot! The TEDDY TOUR BERLIN staff offers your teddy a week’s holiday including a guided tour of Berlin and picnic in Berlin's central park (Tiergarten). On top of that, you’ll receive many beautiful holiday pictures as well as a holiday postcard and much more! Show your gratitude towards your teddy for putting up with all this without even complaining once by allowing your beloved teddy some time off. Send it to Berlin for a few days!


Press about Teddy Tour Berlin: BILD, Berliner Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, B.Z., taz, Welt, Berliner Morgenpost, FAZ, Antenne Brandenburg, Berliner Rundfunk, radioeins, WDR, Pro7, DW, mdr, ZDF, Schweizer Fernsehen, Arte, Sat1, RBB, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Global Times China, The Star Kanada, HX USA, QX Schweden, Les affaires Kanada, Ilta Sanomat Finnland, Bon Voyage Quebec, Liberation Frankreich, Eurocity Österreich, Sunday Herad Sun Australien, The Sunday Times

Further details

TEDDY TOUR BERLIN - Holidays for cuddly toys!

  • Postfach 120801
  • D-10598 Berlin
Direct enquiry

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